Renée Lorie lives and works in Brussels. She studied Art History (UGent, BE), Film Studies and Visual Culture (University of Antwerp, BE) and Photography (Sint Lukas Brussels, BE). She works as a visual artist. She published her first book Noctuary with Posture Editions (Ghent, BE). She exhibited in Recyclart (Brussels, BE), Netwerk (Aalst, BE), Fotomuseum Antwerpen (Antwerp, BE), Tiblisi Photo Festival (Tiblisi, Georgia), Centre Culturel de Namur (Namur, BE), gave lectures in Centrale for Contemporary Art (Brussels, BE) and curated exhibitions in Recyclart (Brussels, Belgium) and at Université Saint Louis (Brussels, Belgium). She was selected for .TIFF in 2020 (Fotomuseum Antwerpen, BE), that encourages emerging talents with network moments and talks. She is part of het European Photography Platform Futures. She’s published her second book Shelter with Editions du Caïd (Liège, BE).

Renée Lorie collaborates with Erien Withouck:


“Elle avait toujours pensé qu’une île, c’était comme une existence condensée. Tout est concentré sur ces morceaux de terre si particuliers, et l’on y développe une autre façon de vivre.” Ces mots de l’autrice japonaise Ryoko Sekiguchi , Renée Lorie les a dits presque littéralement pour nous expliquer sa fascination des îles – ces lieux isolés où se créent des connexions entre les individus par le biais d’histoires magiques et de rituels partagés. Shelter, pour lequel elle est partie aux îles Shetland, lui offre un poste d’observation privilégié pour scruter les sentiments complexes d’appartenance et de solitude que nous éprouvons en tant qu’êtres humains. C’est que Renée Lorie cherche ce qui nous unit. Elle sait que le monde entier est à Bruxelles, qu’elle parcourt de long en large, frappant aux portes d’un immeuble pour demander ses leur thé favori ou leur recette de soupe préférée, avant de les photographier, puis de les rassembler autour d’une table. La fragilité est son thème de prédilection, qui l’a amenée à la photographie. Sa sensibilité à fleur de peau lui permet de capturer les émotions qu’elle traduit en gestes et en mouvements, avec un goût certain pour les grandes ombres et les éclats de lumière vive, qui coexistent à chaque instant de nos vies. Son œuvre s’expose parfois sur les mures des villes, mais aussi sur le sol d’une galerie: “Prière de piétiner”.

Simon Hatab & Lise Bruyneel, Les filles du calvaire, Paris, 2024-2025

luxe (working title), solo, community centre Het Huys, Uccle, 2025 (upcoming)
shelter, group expo, Les filles du calvaire, Paris, 2024-2025
shelter, duo with Edouard Devriendt, Maalderij Landegem, Landegem, 2024
shelter, group expo, Kunsthal Gent, Gent, 2024
les gens font vivre les choses, duo with Patries Wichers at the vitrine in the swimming pool, MUS-E & Avansa Citizenne, Brussels, 2023
dal porto al ponte dal porto al ponte, duo with Galatée Martin, gallery The Platform, Antwerp, 2022/2023
Horzel sounds, solo, community centre Het Huys, Uccle, 2023
noctuary, book publication in group expo, Belgian Photobooks Arles, Arles, 2022
je te cherche depuis hier, solo, Fototek Foundation: Vincen Beeckman & Kasper Demeulemeester, Brussels, 2022
noctuary, group expo, One way or Another, Posture Editions & SMAK, Ghent, 2021
skipper, can I cross the river?, group expo, Photocity & gallery l’ Enfant Sauvage, Tour&Taxi, Brussels, 2021
skipper, can I cross the river?, group expo, Fusée de la Motographie, Vincen Beeckman & Fotomuseum Antwerpen, Antwerp, 2021
skipper, can I cross the river?, group expo with performance, gallery l’ Enfant Sauvage, Brussels, 2021
shelter, solo, open air on 10 facades in public space, Netwerk Aalst, gallery van Caelenberg etc., Aalst, 2021
shelter, group expo, .TIFF, Fotomuseum Antwerpen, Antwerp, 2020
shelter & noctuary, group expo Re/settle, community centre Pianofabriek Brussel & Parcours d’artistes, Brussels, 2020
noctuary, group expo, Night of Photography, Tiblisi Photo Festival, Georgia, 2020
Ardennes, group exhibition with collective 1010, gallery l’ Enfant Sauvage, Brussels, 2020
shelter, solo and performance, Kunst in Huis, Brussels, 2020
Noordzee, group exhibition with collective 1010, Recyclart, 2019
noctuary, solo, Netwerk Aalst, Aalst, 2019
statues, duo with Eva Beazar, in beloved bodies, KADOK, Leuven, 2019
tussentijd, duo with Judith Desmyttere, and buitentijd, in group expo many a moon, Recyclart, Brussels, 2019
tussentijd, duo with Judith Desmyttere, in group expo dis(m)asters of photography, Recyclart, Brussels, 2019
buitentijd, group expo bring your photobook, gallery de Wégimont/ Cinéma Churchill, Liège, 2019
noctuary, self-published book, in group expo photobook Belge, Fotomuseum Antwerpen, Antwerp, 2019
noctuary, self-published book, in group exhibition bring your photobook, gallery l’Image son nom, Liège, 2019
l’ ( ), group expo final findings, Sint Lukas Gallery, Brussels, 2016
re:form, group expo printed matter, gallery Sint Lukas, Brussels, 2015
oogst, group expo Sneak Peak, Gallery Tussenin, Ostend, 2015
roots, group expo Mammoet, City Hall Schaerbeek, Schaerbeek, 2014

take me to your place, book publication with Erien Withouck, HOPPER&FUCHS, Antwerp, 2024
shelter, book publication, Edition Du Caïd & Matthieu Litt, book launch at gallery l’ Enfant Sauvage, Liège & Brussels, 2024 – launch at Les Rencontres d’Arles, Arles, 2024
fruit me!, photographic newspaper with Erien Withouck, Foyer du Sud &  municipality St-Gillis & art festival Park Poétik, Brussels, 2024
cup of tea, photographic newspaper with Erien Withouck, Foyer du Sud &  municipality St-Gillis, Brussels, 2023
soupah!, photographic newspaper with Erien Withouck, Foyer du Sud &  municipality St-Gillis & art festival Park Poétik, Brussels, 2022
skipper, can I cross the river?, book publication with l’Enfant Sauvage Collection, Brussels, 2021
Ardennes, book publication with the collective 1010, gallery l’ Enfant Sauvage, Brussels, 2020
and slowly an image started to appear, with Erien Withouck, puzzle-publication, the Blinkerd Editions, Brussels, 2020
Noordzee, book publication with the collective 1010, Recyclart, Brussels, 2019
noctuary, book publication, Posture Editions, book launch at Netwerk Aalst, Ghent & Aalst, 2019

Futures Photography, European photography platform, 2020
.TIFF, Fotomuseum Antwerpen, 2020
Photobook Awards with noctuary, self-published book, photobook festival, Liège, 2018

exchange, Musée de la Photo Charleroi & Les Rencontres d’Arles, 2023
reading for Memento woordkunstenfestival Kortrijk, 2023
photo workshops, Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, 2023
photo workshops, MUS-E, Brussel, 2022
exchange, Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center, Hungary, 2020-2021
reading for .TIFF-event, Fotomuseum Antwerpen, Antwerp, 2019
reading for DIP-talks, Luca School of Arts, Brussels, 2019
reading for the exhibition resistence and young resilience, Centrale for Contemporary Art, Brussels, 2018
exchange, SMAK, for exhibition the Photographic I – Other Pictures, Ghent, 2017

E R I E N R E N E E . B E
fruit me!, duo with Erien Withouck, Foyer du Sud &  municipality St-Gillis & art festival Park Poétik, Brussels, 2024
qu’ est ce que tu as mangé hier ?, duo with Erien Withouck, cultural centre of Namur CCN, Namur, 2023
cup of tea, duo with Erien Withouck, Foyer du Sud &  municipality St-Gillis, Brussels, 2023
take me to your place, duo with Erien Withouck, community centre De Maelbeek, Etterbeek, 2023
and presented in group exhibition XXX OCULI in IMAGINAIR Art/space with HOPPER&FUCHS, 2025
soupah!, duo with Erien Withouck, Foyer du Sud &  municipality St-Gillis & art festival Park Poétik, Brussels, 2022
web of memories, duo with Erien Withouck, art festival Park Poétik & Avansa Citizenne, Brussels, 2022
from Mexico to Manchester, duo with Erien Withouck, Recyclart, Brussels, 2021

photo traject with curated exhibition, Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, 2023 & 2024
kunstoevers, curation and concept, Netwerk Aalst & municipality Aalst
many a moon, curation and concept, Recyclart, Brussels, 2019

in Salon Verlag, ‘Dal porto al ponte dal porto al ponte’
in L’intervalle, ‘Comme les îles’
in TRIGGER, ‘IslandsIslandsIslands’
in BRUZZ, ‘Leafing through your 93-year-old neighbour’s life: Photography is a way of connecting’
in Rekto:Verso, ‘Tip-toe tango – beelden van beroering’
in BRUZZ, ‘Il faut se montrer vulnérable’
in Corpo Opaco, ‘interview Renée Lorie’
in L’intervalle, ‘De l’écriture automatique en photographie, par Renée Lorie’
in .TIFF- magazine, ‘Renée Lorie’

shortened bachelor photography
LUCA school of arts, Brussels

master film studies and visual culture
university of Antwerp

bachelor art history
university of Ghent